Objective 1: To demonstrate an end-to-end 5G system providing immersive video services for moving objects
Seeing is believing. Demonstration is one of the most effective means of showing that a system proposal will work in real world. The envisaged use case of virtual and augmented reality with cars and drones has huge potential to transform the society. The demonstration conducted by the PriMO-5G project will thus make an impact to various vertical industries. It is important to highlight that the ambition of PriMO-5G is to demonstrate end-to-end operations through cross-continental testbeds, thereby showcasing the integration of radio access and core, and interoperability in core networks.
Objective 2: To develop technologies of mmWave access, 5G core networks, and AI-assisted communications fulfilling requirements for Objective 1
The demonstration in Objective 1 is challenging, and thus cannot be achieved by simply putting together technologies and equipment available today. The PriMO-5G project will make advancements necessary to satisfy performance requirements for Objective 1. The technologies developed in the project will encompass radio access and core networks as well as AI-assisted communications. The project envisages strong impact on both academic research and standardization.
Objective 3: Input to 5G standardization and spectrum regulation activities
The PriMO-5G project will materialize the knowledge obtained by the demonstrations and trials, and will contribute to the 5G standardization. The project will also provide an input on harmonized use of spectrum across multiple continents and novel spectrum usage schemes. In order to make the standardization activities more effective, the PriMO-5G consortium partners will actively participate in influential fora in Europe and Korea to disseminate the project results. The industry partners in the PriMO-5G consortium have well established channels and ways of working which ensure that relevant results will be brought to standardization and regulatory bodies.