The ambition of the PriMO-5G project is to interconnect the 5G testbeds in Europe and Korea so that the cross-continental testbeds can be established. Newly developed technologies will be tested in the testbeds. Finally, end-to-end operations of envisaged use cases will be demonstrated. Figure below shows the high-level concept of cross-continental testbeds the PriMO-5G project aims to build..

Image legend:
AALTO: Aalto University (Finland)
CAU: Chung-Ang University (Korea)
CMC: Cumucore (Finland)
KAIST: Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (Korea)
KCL: King’s College London (UK)
KT: Korea Telecom (Korea)
NI: National Instruments (Germany)
YU: Yonsei University (Korea)