PriMO-5G project has been to developing system demonstrators withing (and between) Europe and Korea. In all cases, these end-to-end system demo scenarios have been specified and mapped to PriMO-5G firefighting scenarios (forest/rural and urban scenarios) and their respective use cases. Interestingly, some of the implementations considered in the firefighting also inspired the project to experimentally demonstrate an intercontinental manufacturing demo!

To that end, the PriMO-5G project has released a deliverable report presenting details on the demo background, integration steps and an evaluation report with the results underpinned by key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant for the firefighting use cases. Many of the demos described in the deliverable were also presented as live or pre-recorded videos at various dissemination events.

Welcome to find out more by checking PriMO-5G D5.3 Final report – End-to-end immersive demonstrations